

SES Literature

Documents Created in 2004

The documents listed below are all in the form of downloadable PDF files.

Noteworthy Quotes (85 KB)

The OU and Animal Experiments in Research in 2001 (54 KB)

The OU and Animal Experiments - The case against Animal Research (44 KB)

What are the alternatives to animal research? (38 KB)

Psychological Issues in the Educational Use of Animal Experimentation (96 KB)

Open University animal research (55 KB)
This document is in 12pt Century Gothic and 1.5 line spacing for the benefit of those who have reading difficulties. It condenses the other 2004 Research (04_R) documents.

OUSA Conference 2004 SES motions (48 KB)

Different kinds of animal experimentation at the Open University: Research and Education (28 KB)


The excellence of turnip mitochondrial fractions

Joaquim A.F. Vicente, VmH tor M.C. Madeira
Departamento de BotaL nica, Universidade de Coimbra, 3004-517 Coimbra, Portugal
Departamento de Bioqu mica, Universidade de Coimbra, 3004-517 Coimbra, Portugal

This article describes a humane, plant-based alternative to the rat liver experiment used in Open University residential school course SXR270: Investigative Biology (now discontinued).

Students for Ethical Science have been asking the OU for many years to replace its unnecessary animal use with this type of plant alternative.

This particular article was located by an OU biology tutor opposed to animal experiments.

Turnip article [PDF 165 KB] - requires Adobe reader
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